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You're viewing Space Empires 5 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Space Empires 5
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2007-07-24 04:30:01
Views : 20712

Cheat mode
To enter a cheat code, go to the main window of the game. Type the tilde key (~) then type in the code text, and then type tilde (~) again to activate the code.
intelAdd 100,000 intelligence points to the Current Player.
researchAdd 100,000 research points to the Current Player.
moneyAdd 100,000 resources of each type to the Current Player's treasury.
viewallcombatsAll combats are shown on screen.
fastbuildAll construction queues get 1,000,000 in accumulated resources.
restoresuppliesAll of the Current Player's ships get full supplies and ordinance.
allplayershumanAll players set to human control.
repairCompletely repair the currently selected ship.
alltechCurrent Player gains all technologies.
allempseenCurrent Player has encountered all other players.
allsysseenCurrent Player has seen all solar systems.
omniCurrent Player is omnipresent in all solar systems.
nomaintCurrent Player's empire no longer pays maintenance.
viewalldesignsGet copies of all enemy ship & unit designs.
showstatsShow statistics on the selected combat object.
collisiongridShow the collision grid in combat.
retrofit[design name] Retrofit the current ship to the new design.

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